Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Refrigerators : Helpful Tips

With the summer setting in, our dependency on refrigerators goes up. In order to take best use of the same, we need to be careful on some aspects.
First of all, we must understand that our refrigerator is our cooling assistant to preserve our food and other eatables. We often forget this fact and treat it like a water cooler or an ice factory or as a cold storage. This machine is simply our ASSISTANT and nothing beyond that; therefore if we will treat it like that it will give us good return by its service. We may do so by following some simple steps.

Adjust The Thermostat Setting: Depending upon the ambience temperature and the quantum of stuffing inside the refrigerators, you may adjust the thermostat between Minimum to Maximum.
In double door refrigerators you should adjust the airflow between freezer and the refrigerator compartments by turning the knob given in the freezer section, depending upon the kind of stuffing in both the chambers. You may choose from the options like High Freezer, High Refrigerator or Balanced which would have been mention there like A, B, C etc.

Give Time to Your Refrigerator: Please do not expect instant cooling from your machine. Give it some time to work for you and in the mean time if you will check it very frequently then it will result in loss of heat (cooling) only.

Ensure that the Door is Shut Properly: This is a big problem to which most of us very ignorant. The door of your refrigerator may not shut properly because of balancing, alignment, inadequate stuffing in the door shelves, and improper gasket besides your negligence. Simple take care of that and you will be free from major loss of potential heat which may put load on the compressor also and may result in compressor failure.

Use Proper Utensils/Trays for Making Ice: Please use shallow utensils for making ice. It will not only give you ice faster but you may get that frequently too. Putting a milk bucket or polythene packets in the freezer is not going to give you much ice.

Cleanliness: Keep your refrigerator clean for the simple reason that you stuff eatables into it. This will also avoid the problem of cockroaches getting into it because of loose gasket.

Monitor Voltage: Normally, our refrigerators may take care voltage fluctuations to some extent but if there is some inordinate fluctuation or low voltage problem then use of Voltage Stabilizer is recommended. This will reduce pressure on the compressor and will give you the desired cooling.

By understanding and working this way with our refrigerator we may get better output from it in terms of cooling and preservation. Nonetheless, it saves our electricity bill too.